Why I wrote 9/11 Wings Of Eagles Stretched Forth!

I wrote this message of hope to inspire the people who suffered such great loss as a people, as a family member, as a loved one, as a friend, as a nation and nations. No matter how hard life gets, we as a people have always risen above our challenges and have Trusted In God. Our very motto is "In God We Trust". These words will never bring back our loved ones but maybe these words might encourage and strengthen the ones who are to run the race set before each of them in this hour with courage and to Trust In God in this hour. 9/11 crippled our nation with loss, grief, devastation, and fear. With God we can do all things!
My husband was caught in a terrorist attack on his life when he was captured and tortured in Turkey through a political party many years ago before he passed away. So I know the pain, sorrow, fear and loss that terrorism can bring to a family and loved ones. This is why 9/11 became such a burden to my heart touching my heart to reach out to those who lost their loved ones and their families and to bring a message of hope.
I know myself the pain, the sorrow, the grief, and devastation that loss can bring, but I also know that I can stay crippled and broken in my own human spirit and do nothing or I can decide to run the race set before me in this hour and to Trust In God and reach forth to others jumping the hurdles of life with God's strength to make a difference by touching someone else to help them be lifted up again.
I believe God placed this message in my heart to write and bring forth this message in such a time as this to the ones who are on the path of life to run the race set before them in this hour.This was not a easy task in trying to get this message in the form that I believe God would want this message presented and released. I'm honored to have had the privilege to bring this message 9/11 Wings Of Eagles Stretched Forth to you with a humble heart and love of God.
I have come to realize in life that even though I feel pushed and pressed on all sides to keep my eyes on the goal and press through touching hearts of people encouraging them that we can make a difference in our family, neighborhood, city, state, nation and our world if we Trust In God. Even though the road may be the most difficult road and our hearts are broken with loss, devastation and grief, if we look up as a person, loved one, family member, friend, people of a nation or nations and Trust In God, we can do all things.
By Teryl McCormick Rodriguez,
You can reach me by email at Teryl@911wingsofeagles.com
Or you may write me at Teryl McCormick Rodriguez, P.O. Box 2632, Tarpon Springs, Florida 34688 USA.
We must remember what terrorism brings to a people and a nation. Evil has no face, it comes to steal, kill and destroy. We must not forget how precious life is and we must cherish life and our freedom in our nation as a people, for we are truly weaved in the fiber of life itself, one life touches another weaved in time with God's love. We must trust in God.
By Teryl McCormick Rodriguez
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation of turning.
9/11Wings of Eagles
P.O. Box 2632
Tarpon Springs, Florida 34688