Effects Of 9/11 After Shocks Still Felt Today
As the structures fell and lives were lost in the air on the ground on 9/11/2001 and as our hope was demised and fear took the place of liberty and freedom we as a nation were affected like never before in history of our nation and nations around the world with grief, loss, fear, confusion and devastation. More than 6,000 people lost their lives and over 3,000 children lost a parent in the attacks and rescue operations. Which caused tremendous after shocks that would affect our nation through out history. Our world changed that day and every day since in the after shocks that are still being felt today by the hearts of many.
Preschoolers had experienced traumatic stress disorders and many people were and still have been experiencing post traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) along with depression, panic disorders and substance abuse. The after shocks of feelings of grief, loss, symptoms of anxiety, depression, fear and loss are still being felt today. Many still feel the after shocks of feeling afraid of attacks. Many today still feel fearful to fly on airlines to destinations or to travel at all. At the time of the attacks 40% of Americans across the country experienced symptoms of stress related to the attacks.
More than 8,000 people who survived the collapse and escaped from the damaged buildings, half of them have reported new or worsening respiratory symptoms, almost all witnessed events with a strong potential for causing psychological trauma.
Impacts on global markets are still feeling the shock waves today with economic loss and loss of jobs. There are still widows and orphans who are need of help 11 years later. There were many 9/11 widows and children who did not get the help like others sad to say. Many lost their homes and finances due to the loved one they lost was the breadwinner of the family. We heard reports of some of the 9/11 widows getting a lot of money but not all got the help and lost so much. Many lost their homes in the destruction and never got help to be restored and are still struggling today. The after shocks of loss, grief and devastation are still being felt today.
After the destruction some pictures showed a beam standing in the rubble of a beam of steel that resembled a cross as to say trust in God. There is still hope even though our hearts were broken in the despair of our loss of our loved ones and friends.
Though the wind was knocked from our very beings and from our nation with stillness and silence, never to return to what it was before but to now focus our eyes and our hearts back to God Almighty. Though a person may loose everything and suffer loss without understanding. The waves of grief of loss covered peoples hearts, our land and throughout the world and still the after shocks are being felt around the world today. If we put our trust in God again He will be the wind beneath our wings. For there is healing in His wings. God has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows.
God has given us beauty for ashes. If we look on top of the ash heap for the beauty, it may be simple, may not even be important to others but it is what God has dropped into our hearts and life, the beauty of God’s presence residing in our hearts and life. The memories we will have forever of our loved ones which will compel us to run the race set before us in this hour to complete what God’s purpose is for each of us and our families and our nation and nations as a person and as a people.
It is hard to look through the ashes but if you look at the top of the ash pile you will see clearly with new purpose and direction with love for one another. For without love it is impossible to please God. You will see how precious life is and cherish life each day because it is a gift from God. For we are all like flowers in bloom and then like grass as the winds blows over it, it bends and is no more in this life. How precious is life. How we miss those who we love and are no longer here with us to carry on in the race of life set before us. We must trust in God again.
By Teryl McCormick Rodriguez
9/11 memorial posters called, “9/11 Wings Of Eagles Stretched Forth”, are available on my website at www.911wingsofeagles.coma 9/11 Tribute In Word in memory of the ones who lost their lives on 9/11/2001, their families, loved ones, friends and survivors left to run the race set before each of them this hour. Parts of the proceeds from the sale of these posters sold on this website will be donated to 9/11 charities.